

主演:雷·温斯顿  盖·皮尔斯  艾米丽·沃森  丹尼·赫斯顿  理查德·威尔逊  大卫·文翰  约翰·赫特  



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更新时间:2024-04-11 15:44


  故事发生在1880年的澳大利亚,警察和黑帮之间的关系已经降到了冰点,所有人都知道,事态再照这样发展下去,一场恶斗在所难免。土匪阿瑟(丹尼·休斯顿 Danny Huston 饰)的举动让事件向更糟的方向发展而去,他在小镇居民霍普金斯家展开了一场血腥残暴的大屠杀后逃之夭夭。  看到兄弟已然丧失了理智,查尔斯(盖·皮尔斯 Guy Pearce 饰)决定带着麦克(理查德·威尔森 Richard Wilson 饰)远走高飞。在关键时刻,斯坦利警长(雷·温斯顿 Ray Winstone 饰)制服了查尔斯,绑架了麦克,他以麦克的性命为筹码,要求查尔斯杀掉丧心病狂的阿瑟。两边都是手足情深的兄弟,查尔斯陷入了艰难的抉择之中。


 1 ) Nick Cave's wild wild west

'When?' said the moon to the stars in the sky
'Soon' said the wind that followed them all

'Who?' said the cloud that started to cry
'Me' said the rider as dry as a bone

'How?' said the sun that melted the ground
and 'Why?' said the river that refused to run

and 'Where?' said the thunder without a sound
'Here' said the rider and took up his gun

'No' said the stars to the moon in the sky
'No' said the trees that started to moan

'No' said the dust that blunted its eyes
'Yes' said the rider as white as a bone

'No' said the moon that rose from his sleep
'No' said the cry of the dying sun

'No' said the planet as it started to weep
'Yes' said the rider and laid down his gun

情节、配乐、对话、旁白都透着Nick Cave的调调

Adieu, said the bird in the branch of a tree
Farewell, said the snakes to the dying light
Adieu, said the fish in the river of sleep
Goodbye, said the rider,"Goodbye and good night"

 2 ) plot

Set in the Australian outback in the 1880s, the movie follows the series of events following the horrific rape and murder of the Hopkins family, allegedly committed by the infamous Burns brothers gang.

The film opens in a brothel during a violent gunfight between the police and Charlie Burns' (Guy Pearce) gang, which ends with the deaths of all of the gang members except for Charlie and his younger brother Mikey. Captain Stanley (Ray Winstone) makes the proposition to Charlie: he and Mikey can go free of the crimes they have committed if Charlie kills his older brother, Arthur (Danny Huston). Arthur is a mercurial psychopath who has become something of a legend and is so vicious that the Aboriginal tribes refer to him as "The Dog Man" and both the police and the Aboriginals refuse to go near his camp. Captain Stanley muses that perhaps the bounty hunters will kill Arthur in time and then states his intention to civilize the harsh Australian wilderness by bringing Arthur to justice and using Mikey as leverage. Charlie has nine days to find and kill Arthur, or else Mikey will be hanged from the gallows on Christmas Day.

We discover why Captain Stanley is intent on taming Australia: he has been forced to move there with his delicate wife, Martha Stanley (Emily Watson), and apparently wants to make it an appropriate place for them to live. The Stanleys were also friends of the Hopkins family, leading Martha to have nightmares about her dead friends and the unborn child one of them is revealed to have carried. Word spreads of Stanley's deal with Charlie, primarily from Stanley's corrupt subordinate, Sergeant Lawrence (Robert Morgan), causing disgust among the townspeople.

Shortly thereafter, Eden Fletcher (David Wenham), for whom Captain Stanley works, orders that Mikey be given one hundred lashes as punishment for the rape and murder of the Hopkins family. Stanley is aghast at this, not only because he believes that Mikey is innocent and the flogging will surely kill him, but because it would also break his deal with Charlie and thus put him and his wife in grave danger. Stanley sends Sergeant Lawrence away with tracker Jacko (David Gulpillil) and other men to "investigate" the reported slaying of Dan O'Riley by a group of Aborigines. Captain Stanley attempts to defend Mikey by gunpoint from the bloodthirsty townspeople, but is overruled once Martha arrives, insisting on revenge for her dead friends. Mikey is then brutally flogged, and horrifically wounded. The formerly excited townspeople slowly become disgusted and Martha faints at the ghastly display. After 40 lashes, Mikey has collapsed and the whip is soaked with blood. Captain Stanley grabs the whip and throws it at Fletcher, staining his face and suit with blood, who in turn fires Stanley.

Meanwhile, Charlie rides a great distance in search of Arthur, drinking and apparently reflecting on what he will do. Along the way, he encounters an inebriated old man named Jellon Lamb (John Hurt). In the course of conversation, Charlie realizes that Lamb is a bounty hunter in pursuit of the Burns brothers and knocks him out. Later on, after sleeping on a rock bed, Charlie awakes and, before he can gather what's going on, is speared in the chest by a group of Aboriginal men standing over him. Seconds later a gunshot is heard and the head of the man who threw the spear explodes. Charlie then passes out.

Charlie wakes up in the camp of his brother Arthur, which is located in caves among desolate mountains. Arthur's gang consists of Samuel Stoat (Tom Budge), who shot the Aboriginal man who had speared Charlie; a woman named Queenie (Leah Purcell) who tends to Charlie's wound; and a muscular Aboriginal man called Two-Bob (Tom E. Lewis). As he recovers from his wounds, Charlie has several opportunities to kill his brother, but does not. Not too far away from Arthur's camp, Sergeant Lawrence and his men have found and butchered a group of Aborigines. Arthur and Two-Bob find Lawrence's group while they sleep, ostensibly to get a horse for Charlie, and proceed to kill Jacko and Sergeant Lawrence. Before Arthur stomps Lawrence to death with his boot, Lawrence tells Arthur that Charlie has been sent to kill him. While this occurs, Jellon Lamb enters Arthur's camp and ties up Samuel and Charlie, both of whom are sleeping. Without his realizing it, Lamb is shot from behind by the returning Arthur. Arthur then proceeds to begin torturing the still-living Lamb with a knife, but Charlie instead performs a mercy-killing.

Charlie decides that he wants to break out Mikey and informs Arthur. Arthur, Samuel and Charlie ride into town dressed in the clothes taken from the officers Arthur and Two-Bob had killed, pulling behind them Two-Bob, posing as an Aborigine that they've captured. Once at the jail, the men free Mikey, and Charlie and Two-Bob ride off with him. Arthur and Samuel remain to slaughter the two officers inside the jail. The badly injured Mikey, who has never recovered from the flogging, dies in Charlie's arms. As they bury Mikey, Two-Bob tells Charlie that all of this is Charlie's fault: "You should never have left us."

Captain Stanley and Martha, who had become increasingly paranoid as they were ostracized by the townspeople after the flogging, let their guard down to have a peaceful, civilized Christmas dinner. Immediately following their conclusion of grace, Arthur and Samuel shoot open the door and invade their home. Arthur pulls Captain Stanley into the other room and brutally beats him, while Samuel taunts his wife. Arthur then calls Samuel to the room. Samuel drags Martha inside, and Arthur shoots Captain Stanley through the shoulder. As Samuel rapes Martha, Charlie walks in and informs Arthur of Mikey's death; Arthur ignores the news and encourages Charlie to listen to Samuel's beautiful singing. Charlie walks up to the unsuspecting Samuel and shoots him point blank in the head, then shoots Arthur twice, saying afterward, "No more." After this Arthur staggers out of the house. Charlie looks at a gun on the table that could potentially be picked up to shoot him, and then tells Captain Stanley "I want to be with my brother." Charlie leaves the house and follows a trail of blood to find Arthur hunched over on a hill nearby and sits down next to him. Arthur states that Charlie has finally stopped him and asks what he will do now, to no answer, and then slowly dies as his brother watches the blood red sunset of the outback.

 3 ) 【转载】 李劼 血色残阳下的逐鹿和赌命

官兵捉强盗的游戏,玩到后来总是分不清谁是官兵,谁是强盗;谁是猎人,谁是猎物。从一场官家围剿强盗的枪战开始的好莱坞电影《猎杀》(“The Proposition”),恐怕就是这么一场官盗难分的格斗。场景,澳大利亚昆士兰内陆;时间,1880年代;背景,无边无际的荒漠,还有如血的残阳。凶悍的强盗,残暴的官兵,粗犷的土著,加上怪石嶙峋的山谷,桀骜不驯的植物,生动地构勒出一副地狱般的图像,从中爆出一群仙人掌一般的人物。

借用剧中人物所念叨的一句莎士比亚台,叫做“这是个什么样的短命地狱!” (“What fresh hell is this?”)当然,这其实不是地狱,而是一部风格雄浑的好莱坞影片。好莱坞似乎很久没有制作如此狂野的片子了,一下子上人回到了遥远的西部片时代。












 4 ) 一部电影了解澳大利亚



 5 ) 夜莺在歌唱


  从前我有一张Nick Cave &Bad Seeds的卡带,正听得不亦乐乎的日子里,却莫名消失了。
  电影给人的感觉如同Nick Cave的歌曲一样,黑暗而动听。
  正如Nick Cave接受采访的时候说的:
  不知道你有没有看过那些在美国的黑人接受私刑的 照片,那些白人就站在那那么看着,甚至还带着他们的孩子,就好象把看私刑当成了一种娱乐。我不认为他们的这种行为说明他们就没希望了。但是从这部电影所要 表达的中心意义来说,这是一群本不该待在这片土地上的人的故事,也许地球上本来就该有一些地方不该被人类占据。我发现那种在看鞭打刑罚时挂在人们脸上的对 暴力的入迷是我们最原始的本能。我认为,我们越进步,实际上得到的结果却是相反的。这是你的本性,也是我的本性。种族仇恨、种族仇杀、谋杀都是人类最基本 的本性。实际上我觉得人类做得比这些还要多,我们手中所拥有的科技手段越发达,也就意味着我们学会了更快更有效的毁灭人的方法。

 6 ) 干净的西部电影

tags: Nick Cave Guy Pearce 西部

本来是冲着Guy Pearce去的,看完以后发现,好久没看到这么干净的电影了.一直对西部片很有爱~广袤的景色,漫天扬起的黄沙,在荒凉的情境设定下,人物故事性就显得非常强了.

说到Guy Pearce,洛城机密中亦正亦邪的年轻警察,factory girl中"真实"的安迪沃霍尔,新片death defying acts中不温不火的魔术师,更不必提记忆碎片中遍布纹身的姣好身材...相信也是大多数此片粉丝的热情来源~ ~像这样外形演技超出同龄演员一大截,但由于其定位终究不能大红的新生代或中生代气质型帅哥,当然被我列为狂追的对象范围.(对早年的brad pitt, johnny depp不再痴迷,开始追guy pearce, ryan gosling, ethan hawke, 小罗伯特唐尼等埋头于独立电影,风味另类且独特的男演员,莫非我真的向装B文艺青年靠拢了- -汗一个...走题了)


Nick Cave的音乐乍一听平淡无奇,仔细品来却恰到好处,与影片氛围相得益彰.此片的主题也是一样;平淡中蕴含着深刻.每一个人都有自己的角度,如果从这种角度坚持信仰,必然会触碰到别人的利益,成为别人眼中的罪恶.就像片中的弟弟,与小镇警察本来是对立的,为什么在最后时刻射杀了杀人不眨眼,自己一直很崇拜的亲哥哥?因为他们的行为超越道德底线,违背了自己的信仰.小镇警察A方从利益的角度出发,放长线钓大鱼,自己也极力反对B方警察毁约的行为,无奈寡不敌众,最后命悬一线.但是弟弟最后的"拯救"行动超越了他和哥哥之间的亲情,宽恕和道德超越了家庭.完全之于自身的信仰.B方警察则是官僚主义国家机器的代表,但是从其角度来说,"惩恶扬善",保卫小镇居民安全,就是错的吗?哥哥的位置就更不必讨论,家庭的责任让他变得高大起来,况且坏人做坏事还需要理由!?甚至哥哥手下那个阴阳怪气的喽啰,干坏事时哼起美妙的歌声,从那一刻来看,他也是相当可爱的~每个角色都无关善与恶,无关是与非,没有英雄,没有恶棍.故事的结局,人物的"下场",都在不断激化的矛盾中被无奈的催生出来.


记忆最深的一段就是哥哥和弟弟坐在夕阳下,倾心的聊天.此情此景,不禁令人黯然泪下.还有最后一幕前哥哥说的那句台词,大意是这样:人与人之间是没有仇恨的.because we are families.无非是点睛之笔.



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Nick Cave的歌好棒啊,虽然我早就听过了,但是和摄影也很好的画面一起出现就更棒啦

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知道是Nick Cave鼓捣的也就不奇怪了

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Nick Cave和Warren Ellis!又是他们!!!seriously,they can do no wrong!!《The Proposition》配的音乐竟然可以比《Jesse James》更好。神一样两人啊。

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很少看这种题材电影,感觉有点麻木 有点悲凉,不过场景还不错.

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